The Story of Ancient Legends
Kalevala The Musical is a story inspired by the national epic poem of Finland. Passed down from generation to generation, these tales were finally collected in a book of poems by Elias Lonnrot in 1835. Widely cherished across the world, Kalevala has been a source of inspiration to many fantasy authors, including J.R.R. Tolkien.
Kalevala The Musical is composed & written by Johanna Telander .
The World Has Forgotten the Music, Will You?
Kalevala The Musical is a letter written to humanity, signed by nature. The story follows two children who find an ancient artifact in the woods, unleashing a magic portal in to the forgotten world of Kalevala. Four Nature Spirits guide the children on an epic adventure through the runes of Kalevala in order to help return the lost Spirit of Humanity, Väinämöinen, back to his roots, hereby saving the world from imminent darkness.
The kids follow Väinämöinen's journey of self discovery while encountering many Kalevala characters along the way, all vying for the enigmatic Sampo, a mystery object of desire. Ultimately, the kids become entangled in the story, learning how their creativity can hold the power to change the world.
The spirits of Kalevala challenge us all to find our roots in the stories they wish to whisper. If we could but stay still and listen, could the bond we once had with nature be restored? If we held the power of Ukko, would we use it to create or destroy?